my intuition finally kicks in and gives me the surprising key to the secret of Tàpies' mysterious pictorial language... it's something the art world has been searching for since Tàpies first arrived on the scene...

and you may not believe what I've found... but I'm willing to bet that Tàpies himself would have loved hearing this...

**here's a link to the catalogue of the show I was visiting**

Welcome back to, and Part 2 of this episode on the enigma of Antoni Tàpies...

[“do it again”]

well, back in Part 1 of this episode I was getting pretty frustrated with my inability to grasp his metaphors...

[“so many have failed before... what makes you think you’re different?”]

after all, I find that to be the key to an intuitive appreciation of anyone’s art — (visual and otherwise)... and when I get stuck like that... I don’t blame the art... I just know I have to keep going...

[“I’m gonna take a little break”]

because until I get UN-stuck, and find some real metaphoric truth... the most I can say about the art is just pretty much a bunch of aimless facts and factoids...

[“what are they?]

kinda like pick-up-sticks... or worse... the most boring card game of all time... 52 card pick-up!

[“please, don’t do that”]

so, the fuel for getting UN-stuck is creative enthusiasm... but that day in the gallery, I was burning through my enthusiasm big-time... and once THAT starts running low... well, as I said, I was starting to get depressed... which really means I was starting to doubt myself...

[“uh oh”]

fortunately, I really DO trust my Intuition... but Intuition is not something you can rush or force... connected as it is to creativity and enthusiasm... you might as well call it the Muse...


and as Steven Pressfield has said... when you’re dealing with the Muse... you gotta hold up your end of the bargain and do the work... or else...

🎶 jazz bass 🎶

well... the Muse finally hooked me up...


and gave me an extraordinary explanation for Tàpies and his work that not only rings true... but also explains why NOBODY has ever been able to give a satisfying account of it before...


well you might, not believe what I’m gonna tell you about it... but that’s perfectly okay... because I’m never gonna to tell you what you SHOULD think about art...

[“thinking not your strong point, dear?”]

sure, the opinions in this podcast are all mine... and I’ve got plenty of them...

[“roger that”]

but they’re just examples of HOW you can think about art... not what you SHOULD think about it... when it comes to art, YOUR thoughts are just as good as mine...

[“oh, good!”]

and that’s one thing I want to emphasize

[“what’s that?”]

real art is meant to stimulate independent thought... otherwise it’s just decoration... or something even worse: propaganda...

[“that’s bad”]

and if you remember from my 2 part episode of looking at Yan Pei-Ming's portrait of Mao Zedong, the aim of propaganda is to get you and everyone else into thinking the exact same thing about a particular image...

[“that’s correct”]

okay, like most everyone else, I’m not IMMUNE to propaganda... but I get tremendous satisfaction out of thinking my own thoughts and coming to my own conclusions about art and images...

[“I like that!”]

except that’s a skill that isn’t really taught outside of art school...

[a confused “what...?”]

learning how to judge and appreciate art for yourself takes instruction, time and effort...


and contrary to what you might think, it has very little to do with memorizing facts and factoids about art history...

[an incredulous “what?”]

sure a few facts and factoids can help... but in my opinion, the key to a really satisfying experience of art, is to recognize and make use of the art super-power you might not know you already have:

[“what’s that?”]

your own intuition...

🎶 bongos 🎶

see, I know for a fact, that looking and thinking about art is the best exercise there is for strengthening that super-power...
in fact, you might even call the process, cross-fit for your intuition...


it ain’t easy... but it’s sure satisfying... and I’m here to make sure you get that satisfaction...

so, you ready for a little high intensity work out...?

[“yes, sir!]

Tàpies provides all the resistance you could possibly ask for... in fact, looking at his images, you might even call him a Tough Mudder...

[“oh boy”]

I mean, he’s so tough to figure out that in Part one I was almost ready to give up...

[“let’s see if you can figure this one out... no one else has yet”]

I actually felt it was gonna be impossible for me to fathom what he was getting at... when all of a sudden:

🎶 kristo’s bongo theme music🎶

twin language...

these objects and images and colors and ways he puts these things together are like a language that is known only to him...

or maybe... only to him and, say, a twin...

this of course gives me a way of thinking about his work because...


because it is a language...


and because there is this — there's such a thing as twin language where identical twins have communicated with each other before they were able to speak...

even prenatally...

this is a very interesting way of looking at things... and a very interesting subject in and of itself...


but it’s ALMOST as if he were speaking the way he spoke in the womb to his twin...

and I know from my experience as an obstetrician that twin pregnancies often end up where one twin passes...

long before birth...

months — months and months... and so a pregnancy that results in a single baby being born may have actually been a twin pregnancy at some point...


this is the only way I can make sense of this crazy language that he makes...

🎶 bongos 🎶

 a strictly intuitive language...

so, once again, it was my intuition that led me to work out for myself that this guy’s work is actually a language... and while I could have learned this by reading up on what others had to say about him... that would have been about as satisfying as using some kind of engine to lift weights for me in the gym...

[rhythmic mechanical bouncing / “Hey, what are you doing...? Wrong way!”]

now, as I look around the internet for what people have had to say about his work, they all seem to use that same word: language... and apparently, over the years, people even asked him what he was trying to say with that language...

[“What the hell is this...?”]

listen to what William Grimes said about Tàpies in his nyt obituary... and I quote:

His dreamlike symbols, fished from the soup of the unconscious, suggested an ancient language waiting to be deciphered, but Mr. Tàpies declined to assist... he refused to explicate the tantalizing scratches, letters and crosses that seemed to offer the viewer a text.

[“it’s all complicated...”]

well, reading this in the times really made me chuckle... if only at my own stubbornness... but also in amused admiration of my own intuition...

[“oh yeah...”]

but that business of never revealing what he was trying to say with this language... that fits, doesn’t it... so it doesn’t surprise me that nobody has ever figured out what the meaning of that language might truly be...


because it’s a strictly intuitive language... and since most everyone tends to misunderstand intuition, they fail to recognize it when it’s right in front of them... my own intuition was already telling me that Tàpies isn’t trying to communicate with us at all...


and that’s not just because nobody, including myself, had so far been able to decipher his pictorial language... but my intuition about twin to twin communication...

well... once it occurred to me, everything about his images started to make sense...

🎶 bongos 🎶

but the very idea of a twin language isn’t something that most people have reason to ever think about...

[“roger that!]

but it IS something my sister and brother-in-law know about, because my identical twin nephews apparently had a way of talking with each other that they didn’t share or use with other family members...

science calls this cryptophasia... and it’s apparently a well-known phenomenon among twins...

[“fer sure”]

and whether or not Tàpies consciously felt the need to communicate with a long lost twin... this writing, this speaking of a language through his fingers and feeling his way into sand and dirt and wet cement... well, that’s ALMOST like the ancient Sumerians with their clay tablets...

except it isn’t just a matter of communication...


I would guess (or really intuit), it’s more than likely that Tàpies himself didn’t know what this language meant...


I think he used it as a kind of anti-depressant... kinda like sucking your thumb as a kid...

[moans and groans]

a meditation of texture and touch... a method of self-consolation... and that’s what I think a majority of his more visually satisfying images were for him...

🎶 bongos 🎶

longing for solace...

the act of creating each piece became a prolonged and wordless act of self-consolation... and now, his abstractions look so interesting because at their most profound level of meaning there’s a soul-to-soul communication arising out of a sense of well-being in relationship that we rarely, if ever, achieve in our adult lives...

[whistle - awe]

this is a privately shared language structure that intuitively created itself... not to connect with you and me — except, in the shared universal experience of intimate connection, followed by grief over loss...

and finally, the longing for solace...

[“what do you all think?”]

I think Tàpies was so prolific because each work was an act that intuitively gave him a ritualized respite from what was likely a profound but unconscious prenatal grief.

[“no way...” (guy)]

and while that may sound all too preposterous to so many of you... I remember from my days in obstetrics, that the rate of twin pregnancies was something just under 2 per 100 live births... 

and that rate rose to over 3 per 100 in the ensuing decades... which means, of course, that only around 6 out of 100 people born alive know for sure that they have or had a twin...

[“yeah, so what?”]

but the number of pregnancies that actually begin as twins and then suffer the demise of one twin somewhere along the way — what’s known as the vanishing twin syndrome**

from an article in

Vanishing twin syndrome, first described by Stoeckel in 1945, is the identification of a multifetal gestation with subsequent disappearance of one or more fetuses. The rate of multifetal gestation at conception is higher than the incidence noted at birth. Vanishing twin syndrome has been diagnosed more frequently since the use of ultrasonography in early pregnancy. In vitro fertilization techniques have improved the understanding of vanishing twin syndrome because these pregnancies are closely monitored, and the number of implanted fertilized eggs is known. 

[“ooh la la...!”]

well, before the advent of ultrasound in the 70s and 80s... that seemed to be a fairly rare occurrence...

[“what seems to be the problem?”]

but then a definitive study done in 1992 confirmed the extraordinary and surprising fact that 10-15% of singleton births were initially twin gestations...

meaning, that more than 1 in 10 people walking the earth have actually lost their twin in the womb...!

[“yikes!” (guy)]

I promise, I’ll leave you some links in the show notes...

[“you’d better...!]

so, this scientific finding, of course, it doesn’t prove my theory about Tàpies being a survivor of the vanishing twin syndrome...

[“roger that”]

but it certainly makes it all the more likely to have been the case...

🎶 bongos 🎶

now, in terms of science, not only is the twin-language something of an object of serious research... albeit for reasons that have nothing to do with understanding and aiding the psyche of those involved...


(the research into twin-to-twin language seems aimed solely at parental fears that their twins may be prone to delayed linguistic development — and might therefore lag scholastically behind their singleton cohorts — because they’re so content to communicate privately with each other)

[“fer sure...”]

but there is also significant research to more than suggest the fascinating (and rather intuitive) concept of pre-natal consciousness and psychology... 


something that I, myself have observed, at least metaphorically, in dreams...

[“for good reason”]

and so, the straightforward statistics regarding twin pregnancies, combined with a growth in the scientific literature regarding pre-natal psychology and consciousness, makes my intuitive surmise about Tàpies all the more legitimate...

🎶 jazz bass 🎶

I like this... as a concept...

so, I’m looking at a piece now that has like a really thick layer of some kind of sandy substance on a wooden board...

and what he's done seemingly is taken his finger and wiped away some of this — this goop — this sandy goop that looks a little bit like coffee grounds...

and you can see the underlying wood where it’s been scraped away...

he’s made a sort of figure-of-eight, and then his cross, and then just these 2 other simple scraping-away with the fingers — somewhat ineffectually (in a sense) and he’s added a little bit of white in a very peculiar manner / and I can only call it peculiar because... I don’t know — I can’t even describe it...


could it be that this is ALMOST like what —

what it would have felt like to be touching the inside of the womb... to be groping for a lost twin…?


well, it’s certainly possible…

it’s — obviously a very wild leap I'm making here...

which is obviously not necessarily true at all — however, there's a communication going on.

this is a language.

it's a very elegant language even if it's incomprehensible to everyone else...

especially me...


I like this...

as a concept...


but then I'm confronted with his other piece that has a shirt in it — goodness gracious —

what's up with the shirt business...?

🎶 bongos 🎶

3 themes...

well, the shirt business seems to be one of three big themes in this guy’s work... the first, and most aesthetically pleasing of those themes being what I would understand as the twin language...

[“fer sure”]

another theme being books...

there was a book represented in that black and white image I spoke of in part one... but there are books as the central image in plenty of other pieces...

and it turns out that he was born into a family involved in publishing and book selling... the idea that books must have some metaphoric meaning related to family makes plenty of sense...

[“oh yeah...”]

but I would need to look much deeper into those images that feature books in order to decide for myself... and that’s just not something I want to spend any time doing...

[“shhh... we’re in a library...”]

but the shirts seem to have something to do with his history of ill health and tuberculosis in his youth...

[coughing / dry coughs]

chances are, modern antibiotics developed after the second world war held his tuberculosis in check for decades... but his pre-antibiotic experiences as an invalid are very possibly represented by these less than aesthetically appealing works involving shirts and underwear...

like the book images, I have even less interest in looking deeper into those clothing images... and while they don’t strike me as Angry Art... I think they deserve special mention as a kind of subset of AngryArt... meaning: those images produced by artists who have suffered some sort of severe illness in life, and who continue to lean on that experience as a metaphoric subject in many of their images...

[“This is gonna suck”]

Well, there’s pathos in that, but all too often, not much poetry...

🎶 bongos 🎶

a very missed twin...

Oh yeah… now we’re looking at another one... it’s very similar:


the sort of coffee ground / layers...

looks like it’s on — yes — it’s on wood… but he’s added some sort of cloth to the mixture... like three separate small pieces of yellowish cloth

🎶 bongos 🎶

so now I'm looking at another piece that has more of this sandy substance on it:

but this really does look more like the beach... and... it would make sense —

why not?

when you're at the beach... to have that same sensation...

to be able to go back to it and play with it...


goodness, that makes more sense to me than a whole lot of things...

if you’ve had the sensation before, you keep looking for the sensation...

in your fingers...

in your hands...


and then these crosses... it’s as if they’re the mark —

well, the mark that would have been left for an unborn twin...

a very missed twin.

🎶 jazz bass 🎶

grieving sure takes its own time...

I truly think this language that the art world saw in his work, is based on the prenatal loss of his twin...

[“where, where, where...?”]

as I’ve said, there’s no way to prove that... and even if Tàpies were still alive, chances are he would find the idea preposterous himself... or maybe not...

[“um, I’m not so sure...”]

but his inscrutable language appeals to so many people probably because of that shared sense of grief, loss and longing for solace we can intuit in some of his more aesthetically pleasing works...

in some ways, we’re all longing to return to Eden... very often, only unconsciously...

[“would you like to relax...? “no stress...”]

but on a more conscious level, most everyone of us is dealing with the loss of someone, something, or some state of deep and genuine joy...

some loss that we can only do so much to properly grieve...and so remains as a loss we can never quite get over...


Tàpies simultaneously gives us an intuitive reminder of the pain of that grief and loss along with a gracious and intuitive act of (at least temporary) solace...

🎶 Mystery of the dark forest 🎶

while looking and thinking about all this work, I was reminded of another artist who I think is so much better than Tàpies at providing that kind of solace we’re all looking for...

[“who’s that?”]

his name is Henri Michaux...

Back in Part 1 there was a moment when I said to myself that Tàpies’ work reminded me of Chinese ideograms...and some time later I was reminded of a book I had come across in another context: Henri Michaux’s “Ideograms In China.”


Michaux (1899 - 1984) is an artist and poet, perhaps best known for his experimentation with hallucinogens...

[“what’s that, you say?”]

but as a poet, I find his work to be deeply satisfying...and this book in particular... well... This book might as well be an explication of Tàpies himself...

[“that is excellent”]

It’s as if Tàpies were the Chinese people who developed the ideograms, and about whom Michaux was speaking... it’s an absolute marvel to read...

🎶 bongos 🎶

and because of it, I think of Tàpies as a calligrapher…

I think, in some way, his work is a continual love letter to his lost twin…

and he is an assiduous correspondent...

[“oh, very nice” ]

he produces out of continuous sadness and longing…

out of distance…

just like a love letter…

[“I know”]

but Michaux, seems to produce out of something opposite... his poetry gives me a sense of something mystical...

[“Is this true?”]

there is a passage of pages in which he assembles a moving and eloquent catalogue of things that the abstractions of Chinese calligraphy so perfectly observe and share... it’s way too lengthy to repeat here... and anyway... to remove it from the context of Michaux’s poetry would be sacrilege...

[radio “that’s correct”]

because it reads as a devotional litany more sacred and moving than any prayerful repetition of medieval Catholic praises to Mary...

[“don’t say that...!”]

in reading that, I found myself wondering just what sort of catalogue of observation and appreciation for living that Tàpies experienced and shared (so covertly) in his language…

[“I don’t know...”]

🎶 choir singing 🎶

and then it came to me in a dream... as the Muse will often do, as long as I’ve been doing the work...

and this is it: if you let yourself, you can feel that Tàpies has his heart in his mouth...

and the inscrutable, mystical paradox is that this is the most perfect expression of both the greatest joy and the deepest grief...

as a man, it is so very difficult to allow yourself to go there...

[“how long is this gonna take?”]

but, man or woman, you’ve too been there too...

you know the feeling...

you’ve had that same heart in your mouth sadness...

just as you have had that same heart in your mouth joy...

not only that, but like Tàpies, only sometimes do you know perfectly well what caused it...

one thing you DO know though, is that our culture frowns upon overt expressions of that very genuine experience...

which may just be why we have abstract art...

or any genuine art at all...

[“that was a great way to end it...” “fer sure...”]

🎶 A River of Doubt 🎶

well, that’s it for now...

I’ve got some episodes coming up that speak to my own art... that is, my own photographic images...

(hey, you just knew that was coming, didn’t you...?)

[“um, I think not...”]

but there’s also plenty more museum and gallery visiting to do...


so if you dig the show, why not share it...?

and please do subscribe, whether that’s on the website, or on whatever podcast app that floats your boat...


and if you’ve got any questions, comments or just want to say hi...

shoot me an email...

there are links for that all over the website...

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alrighty then...

ciao a tutti...

links to some of Tàpies' work

— this link includes a somewhat art-jargon-ey description of Tàpies: TÀPIES: PAINTINGS, 1970-2003 at Nahmad Contemporary. Photographs by Tom Powel Imaging

— Elena Cué is a terrific art critic, but she can get a little jargon-ey, too:

— here's a link to the catalogue of the show I was visiting at Galerie Boisserée in Cologne...

— as another example of art jargon check this out c/o

Antoni Tàpies refined a visual language inspired by a wide range of sources that coalesce into a complex fusion of materials, gestures, and symbols.

— here's a nice long article by one of Tàpies' friends (and admirers)

— here are a couple of interesting videos of Tàpies at work:

Alphabet Tàpies from ALEA Docs&Films on Vimeo.

Documental Alfabet Tàpies /// TV3 /// Alea Docs&Films /// 2003 from Patricio Vial on Vimeo.

Links to resources on Prenatal Psychology and Consciousness


Prenatal Psychology: Implications for the Practice of Medicine (pdf)

Are Prenatal and Birth Experiences Represented in Dreams?

The Prenatal theme in Psychotherapy

Music Credits

🎶 bongo music and jazzy bass transitions courtesy of freeware loops by Beyonda

🎶 some percussion sounds: freeware courtesy of

🎶 outro music: A River of Doubt, by Skip Peck

kristo's Peanut Gallery 

[“do it again”] 00:10

do it again” courtesy of Robinhood76
This work is licensed under the Attribution License

[“so many have failed before... what makes you think you’re different?”] 00:18

so many have failed before... what makes you think you’re different?” courtesy of KieranKeegan
This work is licensed under the Attribution Noncommercial License.

[“I’m gonna take a little break”] 00:34

"I’m gonna take a little break" courtesy of IPaddeh
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

[“what are they?] 00:46

"what are they?" courtesy of AmeAngelofSin
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[“please, don’t do that”] 00:57

"please, don’t do that" courtesy of girlhurl
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

[“uh oh”] 01:16

"uh oh" (guy) courtesy of DWOBoyle
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[“yeah”] 01:29

yeah" (girl) courtesy of deleted_user_1390811
This work is licensed under the Attribution License

[“hooray!”] 01:49

hooray!” courtesy of javapimp
This work is licensed under the Attribution License

[“really?”] 02:01

"really...?" courtesy of juror2
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

[“thinking not your strong point, dear?”] 02:11

thinking not your strong point, dear?” courtesy of Tim Kahn and Amy Gedgaudas
This work is licensed under the Attribution License

[“roger that”] 02:19

roger that” courtesy of theuncertainman
This work is licensed under the Attribution License

[“oh, good!”] 02:30

oh, good” courtesy of Iceofdoom
This work is licensed under the Attribution License

[“what’s that?”] 02:34

what's that?” courtesy of balloonhead
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

[“that’s bad”] 02:44

"that’s bad" courtesy of Reitanna Seishin
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

[“that’s correct”] 02:59

"that's correct" courtesy of bogenseeberg
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

[“I like that!”] 03:14

I like that!” courtesy of FreqMan
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[a confused “what...?”] 03:20

what...?? (girl)" courtesy of Alivvie
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

[“nooo...!”] 03:29

nooo...!” courtesy of Junuxx
This work is licensed under the Attribution NonCommercial License

[“what?” guy] 03:39

what? (guy)” courtesy of balloonhead
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

[“what’s that?” 01] 03:54

what's that?” courtesy of balloonhead
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

[“whatever...”] 4:12

"whatever..." courtesy of pörnill
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

[“yes, sir!] 04:23

"yes, sir!" courtesy of theuncertainman
This work is licensed under the Attribution License

[“oh boy”] 04:33

an exasperated, “oh boy... oh boy...” courtesy of AmeAngelofSin
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[“let’s see if you can figure this one out... no one else has yet”] 04:40

let’s see if you can figure this one out... no one else has yet” courtesy of KieranKeegan
This work is licensed under the Attribution Noncommercial License.

[rhythmic mechanical bouncing / “hey, what are you doing...?”] 07:21

[rhythmic mechanical bouncing] courtesy of craigsmith
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

"hey, what are you doing...? Wrong way!" courtesy of AmeAngelofSin
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[“What the hell is this...?”] 07:50

"What the hell is this...?" courtesy of afterguard
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[“it’s all complicated...”] 08:18

"’s all complicated” courtesy of Roses1401
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

[“oh yeah...”] 08:30

oh yeah” courtesy of Tim Kahn and Amy Gedgaudas
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[“why?”] 08:42

"why" courtesy of Reitanna Seishin
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

[“huh?”] 09:00

"huh...?" courtesy of Adam_N
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

[“fer sure”] 09:44

fer sure” courtesy of Iceofdoom
This work is licensed under the Attribution License

[“what?”] 10:07

what?” courtesy of Roses1401
This work is licensed under the Attribution License

[“maybe...”] 10:16

maybe” courtesy of deleted_user_1390811
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[moans] 10:23 group-oooh" courtesy of TeamMasaka
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[whistle-in-awe] 10:59

"whistle-in-awe" courtesy of InspectorJ
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[“what do you all think?"] 11:17

"what do you all think?" courtesy of Deathstardude
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

[“no way...” guy] 11:30

no way” (guy) courtesy of kathid
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[“yeah, so what?”] 11:56

yeah, so what?” (girl) courtesy of deleted_user_1390811
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[“ooh, la, la...”] 12:07

"ooh la la...!” courtesy of Timbre
This work is licensed under the Attribution NonCommercial License.

[“what seems to be the problem?”] 12:14

an exasperated, “what seems to be the problem?” courtesy of AmeAngelofSin
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[“yikes!"] 12:36

"yikes!" courtesy of jorickhoofd
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[“you’d better...!]

you better..." courtesy of pyro13djt
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[“interesting...”] 13:39

"interesting..." courtesy of Reitanna Seishin
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

[“for good reason”] 13:45

oh yeah” courtesy of Tim Kahn and Amy Gedgaudas
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[“shhh... we’re in a library...”] 17:00

"shhh... we’re in a library..." courtesy of InspectorJ
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[coughing / dry coughs] 17:09

coughing” courtesy of Eelke
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

dry coughs” courtesy of danieldouch
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[“This is gonna suck”] 17:50

This is gonna suck" courtesy of nooc
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

[“where, where, where...?”] 19:35

where, where, where...?” courtesy of AmeAngelofSin
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[“um, I’m not so sure...”] 19:48

"um, I’m not so sure..." courtesy of cognito perceptu
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

[“would you like to relax...? “no stress...”] 20:10

would you like to relax...? “no stress...” courtesy of Roses1401
This work is licensed under the Attribution License

[“hmmm”] 20:38

"hmm..." courtesy of agent vivid
This work is licensed under the Sampling+ License.

🎶 Mystery of the dark forest 🎶 20:45

🎶 mystery of the dark forest 🎶 courtesy of ipodpierwsza
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[“who’s that?”] 21:08

"who’s that?" courtesy of iccleste
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

[“what’s that, you say?”] 21:40

"what’s that, you say?" courtesy of Stewartcolbourn
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[“that is excellent”] 21:52

that is excellent” courtesy of MatteusNova
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[“oh, very nice” ] 22:17

oh, very nice” courtesy of balloonhead
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

[“I know”] 22:25

I know” courtesy of Roses1401
This work is licensed under the Attribution License

[“Is this true?”] 22:34

Is this true...?” courtesy of Tim Kahn and Amy Gedgaudas
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[radio “that’s correct”] 22:54

radio “that’s correct" courtesy of cityrocker
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

[“don’t say that...!”] 23:03

"don’t say that...!" courtesy of Reitanna Seishin
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

[“I don’t know...”] 23:16

"I don't know..." courtesy of nfrae
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

🎶 choir singing 🎶 23:18

choir singing" courtesy of Vann Westfold
This work is licensed under the Attribution Noncommercial License.

[“how long is this gonna take?”] 23:55

"how long is this gonna take?" courtesy of shawshank73
This work is licensed under the Attribution License.

[“that was a great way to end it...”] 24:43

"That was a great way to end it..." courtesy of cognito perceptu
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

[“um, I think not...”] 24:50

"um, I think not..." courtesy of scatlin
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

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